VoltDB vs MemSQL

November 18, 2021

VoltDB vs MemSQL: A Factual Comparison

When it comes to cloud deployment, choosing the right database management system can be essential for the success of your project. Today, we'll be comparing two popular options: VoltDB and MemSQL, to help you decide which one fits your needs better.

What is VoltDB?

VoltDB is an in-memory database system designed to provide high-speed transaction processing for applications that require real-time analytics. It was developed using Java and C++, and it's optimized for complex queries and transactional processing. In addition, VoltDB provides strong consistency and durability, which makes it ideal for applications that require ACID compliance.

What is MemSQL?

MemSQL is a distributed, in-memory, SQL database management system designed to deliver high ingest and query performance for real-time data processing. MemSQL is a hybrid technology that combines the benefits of both row and column store databases. Its architecture allows for horizontal scaling, making it an excellent choice for applications that need to handle significant amounts of data.


Now that we know a bit about each database management system let's dive into the comparison.

1. Performance

When it comes to performance, VoltDB is the winner. It can handle up to 50,000 transactions per second, making it perfect for applications that require high-speed transaction processing. On the other hand, MemSQL can handle up to 300,000 inserts per second, making it ideal for applications that need to handle large volumes of data.

2. Durability

VoltDB provides strong consistency and durability, making it the best option for applications that require ACID compliance. MemSQL, on the other hand, offers eventual consistency, which allows for faster write times and is better for applications that do not require ACID compliance.

3. Scalability

Both VoltDB and MemSQL are scalable and can be deployed in a cluster. However, MemSQL offers additional scalability options such as sharding, which allows for horizontal scalability, while VoltDB offers partitioning which allows for vertical scalability.

4. Ease-of-use

When it comes to ease of use, MemSQL is the winner. It offers a straightforward setup and has excellent documentation. VoltDB, on the other hand, requires additional setup and configuration.


In conclusion, both VoltDB and MemSQL offer unique advantages, and the choice depends on your database management needs. If your application requires real-time analytics and ACID compliance, VoltDB would be the best option. On the other hand, if your application processes large volumes of data and doesn't require ACID compliance, MemSQL is the way to go.


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